Your business partners may ask you to dynamically display object titles. Worry not, it is not that difficult in Qlikview.
Step 1:
Create an if statement to display default title when user has not made any selections; otherwise, display dynamic title based on the user selection.
In the General tab of the object property, add an if statement:

The trick is to concatenate string with column name using &.
Step 2. That’s it. User will see string ‘Sales by All’ until a selection is made.

Once user selects a salesperson, chart title will change dynamically to display name of the selected salesperson.

Rene 10:34 pm on April 15, 2014 Permalink
Thanks. This great. I want to however, show more than one value from the same filter. So if the user has selected 2 or more values, I want to display all the values that are selected for that filter in the title. Using the example above doesn’t work then. If more than one value is selected, the result of the displayed variable is ?
Can you help?
Shilpan 1:07 am on April 16, 2014 Permalink
You can use =GetCurrentSelections() to display multiple selections from the same filter.
Jen Thompson 2:22 pm on June 5, 2014 Permalink
Is there a way to build the expression label into an If statement? I have a cyclic group chart and I am finding that the title doesn’t update when the user selects their variable. I’d like to write an If statement that says if they haven’t selected a specific variable (Account Type), then use the expression label. Can’t figure out the Syntax though.
Shilpan 1:51 am on June 7, 2014 Permalink
Hi Jen,
Can you send me your code?
Oliver 4:25 pm on August 8, 2014 Permalink
How would you display the “text” of a currently selected Button object?
In this use case, there are several button objects, each pointing to a different bookmark. The button objects are aligned in a single column. To the right of that column figures Current Selections. On selection of any button, values of the Current Selections naturally change.
So, what small script can be placed in the Caption field of the Current Selections box to display the selected bookmark?
Krishna 7:40 am on May 21, 2015 Permalink
Hi ,
I’m having a calendar objects like arbitary range. When i select this to dates. These dates should be shown at caption of straight table.How could i make it?Pls suggest me.
taj mohamed 2:35 am on November 2, 2015 Permalink
Nice Blog