QlikView server and publisher

Stephen Redmond has written yet another excellent book — QlikView Server and Publisher.

His first QlikView book, QlikView for Developers Cookbook, is an excellent resource for QlikView developers. QlikView Server and Publisher offers same depth of quality content if you want to master skill of QlikView server administration.

Not convinced yet? Please read on..

Why do you need this Qlikview book?

If you are a consultant, you may provide your QlikView expertise to a client who not only need your developer acumen but also knowledge of how  to install and manage Server and Publisher.
Even if you are not an aspiring to become a QlikView server administrator, you ought to have holistic view of various QlikView components besides QlikView Desktop that you use for development.

If you are armed with task of installing and configuring QlikView Server and Publisher because your company just purchased QlikView, this book ought to be on your book shelf.

This is what you will learn as a Qlikview server administrator

Installation Basics

This book assumes that you have no prior experience as a QlikView server administrator. It begins with basics such as software and hardware requirements for QlikView server and publisher installation.

You may not know that .NET framework 4.0 is required before you begin server installation. Or, you may not know that QVPR(QlikView Publisher Repository) is not just related to Publisher; it also stores settings managed by the QlikView Management Console in XML and shows you ways to safeguard QVPR.

Are you struggling to estimate size of your QlikView server? Worry not as this book will solve your conundrum.

QlikView server







This book also explains five essential services in a layman term — QlikView Management Service(QMS), QlikView Sever(QVS), QlikView Directory Service Connector(DSC), QlikView Distribution Service(QDS) and QlikView Web Service(QVWS).

Installation Process

Once you master the basics, book walks you through the standard installation process step-by-step.

server installation

The book also shows you how to test implementation which is handy for novice server administrators.

QlikView Management Console(QMC)

QMC is the portal at your disposal to configure and manage QlikView server. This book does a fine job of walking through all the aspects of QMC — from licensing to various server settings and much more — so that you can manage QlikView server with ease.

QlikView Management Console



The book explores various other aspects such as managing and securing QlikView documents, QlikView Publisher Configuration and,   last but not least, server monitoring and troubleshooting tips.

QlikView Server and Publisher, indeed, is a must book for anyone who aspires to master a gamut of QlikView skill set.